Soletanche Bachy International signs two new contracts as part of a consortium for the CRL project in New Zealand
Following work packages C1 and C3, the Link Alliance consortium has just been awarded work packages C5 and C7, involving the construction of an underground railway line to Auckland city centre, completing the regional network – a contract worth NZ$ 825 million (approximately 485 M€).
Design-construction of Packages 5 (connection to existing network) and 7 (rail systems) for the City Rail Link programme
Alliance-type contracts
Total value NZ$825 million, i.e. around €485 million
The Link Alliance, including VINCI Construction Grands Projets (lead company) and Soletanche Bachy International, subsidiaries of VINCI Construction, and their partner Downer, plus designers Aecom, WSP-Opus and Tonkin & Taylor – signed on 20 October 2020 the contract for Packages 5 and 7 for the City Rail Link programme in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Package 5 includes the construction of two structures (grade-separated junctions) and 2 km of new track, to be constructed while maintaining traffic on the North Auckland Line.
- Package 7 includes installation of power supply, overhead lines, signalling and the control system for the entire City Rail Link.
These contracts follow on from the contract for Package 3 won in July 2019 by the same consortium, covering design/construction of a 3.45 km railway line extension, including 3.2 km of tunnel and three new stations.

The contracts are of the Alliance type, which combines the designer-builder consortium and the client – City Rail Link Limited – into a single team to undertake the project. Delivery of all three Packages (3, 5 and 7) is scheduled for 2024.
At a total cost of 4.419 billion New Zealand dollars (2.586 billion euros), the City Rail Link project will double the number of people able to reach Auckland’s city centre within 30 minutes. This new train line is designed to accommodate 54,000 passengers per hour during peak hours, or the equivalent capacity of two motorways with four lanes in each direction.