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Hungary: HBM SMART proving agile operation to be successful in civil engineering

In 2019, HBM, Soletanche Bachy’s subsidiary in Hungary, created its so-called SMART business unit (Small Agile Rapid Team) to carry out smaller-scale foundations works often with short, two- to three-day deadlines. Since then, the unit, specializing in pile foundation, mini and micropile drilling, has served more than 20 customers and recently added new projects to its portfolio.

In 2021, SMART built the foundations of a hydrogen and carbon monoxide production plant in Eastern Hungary. The client has requested SMART’s services for the third time, now to execute CFA piling on the area of its operating chemical plant. Quality and occupational safety expectations are very high in such work areas. In such a highly regulated environment, the professional challenge was to meet all the needs of the customer. SMART’s agile and close-in-contact operation allows the unit to meet these needs more easily.

Last year, SMART worked for yet another returning client on a public ice hall building in the Southern part of the country. The team delivered a weeklong screwsol work with continuous variation management, making the client – contractor relation more stable. The project proved that holding planning, implementation, and follow-up in one hand allows SMART to have a be more efficient and faster information flow and decision-making than in a multi-player system and furthers trust in client relations.

SMART projects for 2022

In 2022 HBM SMART has built the foundations of four projects so far in the field of hotels, industrial and agriculture.

For a hotel construction by the lake Balaton, the SMART team cooperated with a foreign client and delivered CFA foundation works on artificial embankment. Furthermore, they executed jetgrouting piles in the basement of a monument building in the downtown of Budapest, where strict sinking criteria were imposed. In addition to higher efficiency, machinery adapted to special needs (for example, working inside a building) appear as added value at SMART.

The unit also had the chance to work with two returning clients this year, in the industrial and agricultural sectors. SMART has cooperated with one of the world’s leading independent development companies of the vehicle industry and developed the foundations of their test and office buildings with Screwsol technology. HBM has executed the first phase piling 2 years ago for the same customer.

Based on HBM’s previous fruitful cooperation with another client from already 15 years ago, the SMART branch won the project of foundation works of a grain silo park, where they deliver rigid inclusion with long screwsol piles. SMART will build 8 grain silos for which they will be able to utilize the data collected during the works carried out in the same field over a decade ago.

Providing an outlook for the rest of the year, Diána Liskány, head of HBM’s SMART department emphasized that they aim to continue to serve developers and general contractors –focused mainly on Screwsol and CFA piling-, who doesn’t want to compromise on quality, cost- and time-efficiency and the use of state-of-the-art, sustainable technologies (such as the usage of piling methods with no excavated soil or ultra-low carbon concrete) with the same commitment as they’ve been doing from the very beginning. In the meantime, they are investigating the possibility of adapting the SMART operation model to HBM’s Debrecen BU, thus to the Eastern Hungarian market as well.

How does SMART work?

The essence of SMART is that planning, implementation, and follow-up are held in one hand, making information flow and decision-making more efficient and faster than in a multi-player system. This allows HBM to flexibly tailor its high-quality service to the customer’s individual needs while working more closely with the customer. In addition to increased efficiency, reducing costs and construction time are the benefits SMART delivers.

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