Bouygues and Soletanche Bachy appointed for the Grand Paris Express (T2A) project
The civil engineering works for section T2A between Villejuif Louis-Aragon and Créteil l’Echat stations will be carried out by the consortium of Soletanche Bachy France, Soletanche Bachy Tunnels, Bessac and SADE, led jointly by Bouygues Travaux Publics.
Société du Grand Paris has appointed the consortium led by Bouygues TP for the section of the Grand Paris Express between Villejuif and Créteil.
2017 marked the launch of civil engineering works along the full route of Grand Paris Express Line 15 South.
Société du Grand Paris has just awarded the fourth of the line’s eight civil engineering contracts, worth €968 million (€807 million + VAT), to a consortium led by Bouygues TP.
The civil engineering works for section T2A between Villejuif Louis-Aragon and Créteil l’Echat stations will be carried out by the consortium of Soletanche Bachy France, Soletanche Bachy Tunnels, Bessac and SADE, led jointly by Bouygues Travaux Publics.
The main contribution from Soletanche Bachy will be its expertise in special foundations.
[…] Bouygues Travaux Publics and the Soletanche Bachy group companies are already working together on other urban projects, including the ongoing project to extend Line 14 northwards between the Saint-Lazare stations and Saint-Ouen Town Hall.

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